The WLC7 programme presently includes a series of breakout Workshops alongside larger Open sessions. The latter are designed for attendance by all delegates and include a wide range of subjects whilst Workshops are smaller, focused, thematic, subject-specific and chaired by experts who facilitate discussions.
As examples, during the last World Lagomorph Conference 6, Montpellier, 2022 there were five workshops (see
- Workshop 1 - Lagomorph Taxonomy and Conservation
- Workshop 2 - Lagomorphs as a Model Morphological System
- Workshop 3 - Successes and Failures of European Rabbit Translocations
- Workshop 4 - Euro Leporid
- Workshop 5 - Present, past and future of (un)known lagoviruses affecting lagomorphs
This is an OPEN CALL for registering delegates to propose workshops for WLC7 that they might chair (possibly supported by others) to progress subjects areas of specific interest to them. Proposed workshops can have any structure, for example, thematic subject-specific talks, roundtable discussions, working groups or working parties, developing collaborative funding proposals or generating collaborative manuscripts based on facilitated or lead discussions.
Decisions on workshop acceptance will be taken by the WLC7 Scientific Committee
If you wish to propose a workshop, please apply using the MSForm below.