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ASPiH Standards

ASPiH Standards 2023 for Simulation-Based Practice

The Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) created the Standards to support learners, simulation practitioners and organisations to bolster simulation practice and patient safety for the benefit of patients, service users, families and communities.

The ASPiH Standards were first published in 2016, describing the attributes required to design and deliver effective simulation-based education and practice. Since then, they have provided a common framework within educational and healthcare sectors and underpinned quality assurance for simulation providers, regulators, professional bodies and commissioners.

We have formally reviewed and updated the framework aiming to meet the current needs of simulation practitioners and learners, reflect the evolution of simulation practice, account for emerging technologies and address themes such as interprofessional simulation, sustainability, equity, diversity and inclusion. The revision process has included an iterative consultation exercise, which has included NHS simulation leads across the four UK nations, Higher Education Institutions and other key stakeholders, as well as ASPiH members and the wider UK and international simulation community.

The ASPiH Standards 2023


Current ASPiH Standards documents

ASPiH - Standards A4 - LANDSCAPE ASPiH - Standards A4 ASPiH - Standards PPT
Landscape Version A4 Version PowerPoint Slides


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