The High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC) collaborated with AMIC, LMAC and Invest NI with four key objectives:
This approach ensured AMIC could:
To support industry to understand their status in their digital journey, in line with their business objectives. To develop an action plan with a focus on the delivery of critical business objectives, to impact the bottom-line and offer the opportunity to benchmark.
The Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) tool was used to support the Digital Factory Accelerator Program as delivered by LMAC Consulting. The SIRI tool is based on 3 building blocks: Process, Technology and Organization and offered the opportunity for the 32 companies to benchmark against over 1000 companies from 16 other countries with a similar GDP per Capita.
32 companies took part on the pilot programme “Digital Factory Accelerator – supported by SIRI”
94% would recommend the Digital Factory Accelerator to another industry professional.
Members of the AMIC team, INI and HVMC successfully completed the assessor training.
The Programme provided an insight into the common priorities and challenges faced across sectors and companies.
According to industry members, the impact of the Digital Factory Accelerator programme included an increase in understanding of Industry 4.0, digital transformation and the identification of what specific investments should be made to go to the next level. Feedback received highlighted the detailed insights, clear direction, and practical steps for each company's digital transformation and strategic planning.