Mockup of AMIC factory of the future



The Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (AMIC) - a £100m investment under Belfast Region City Deal - is a Queen's University Belfast-led collaborative, innovative powerhouse of advanced manufacturing set to elevate our region globally.


We are supporting businesses to drive economic growth and prosperity across Northern IreIand by creating high quality jobs and increasing inward investment through high value manufacturing innovation clusters.

With core capabilities in digitalising manufacturing, smart design, sustainable polymers and composites and smart nanotech, we are driving industrial transformation, paving the way for future technologies and competing globally with a more sustainable focus.

AMIC is key to an exciting future for manufacturing in Northern Ireland, as an industry-led, open-access manufacturing and engineering innovation centre with state-of-the-art facilities and an expert engineering team, underpinned by academic excellence.  


Our ambitious plans are being delivered by Queen’s University Belfast in partnership with industry, Ulster University, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council and supported by the UK Government and NI Executive.

They build on over 50 years of sustained innovation and industry support through the Northern Ireland Technology Centre (NITC), the Polymers Processing Research Centre (PPRC) and the more recent university-industry partnership, NI Advanced Composites and Engineering (NIACE) as well as UK-leading research capability in smart design and nanotech and photonics.


Building on this success, we’re now on track to open a 10,500m2 state-of-the-art Factory of the Future at Global Point Business Park in Newtownabbey in 2026.

Designed for industry, the open access manufacturing and engineering innovation centre will reinvigorate Northern Ireland’s industrial potential and address the future technology and skills challenges faced by the region’s manufacturing sector.  

It will provide a specialised environment for advanced manufacturing, materials, and engineering sectors to access the latest digital, automation and robotics technology supported by experienced engineers, bringing industrial expertise.


AMIC will combine a comprehensive and collaborative regional innovation support for the Advanced Manufacturing, Materials and Engineering (AMME) sector of NI industry with our areas of international competitiveness, a unifying brand for manufacturing innovation in NI, a recognised national asset in the UK, and gain a global reputation for its innovation outputs and industrial impact.

By 2050, it’s estimated that AMIC will have contributed more than £1bn to the local economy, directly and indirectly created over 1,500 permanent jobs and supported the training of 300 apprentices.


Increased size and productivity of the high value advanced manufacturing sector in NI with a focus on low-carbon products, services, manufacturing processe

NI based high value advanced manufacturing clusters and jobs through UK and global investment

Workforce and skills development through inclusive and high value jobs

Image shows the logo for the Athena Swan gold award

Committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Queen’s University Belfast holds a prestigious Gold Athena Swan Award, conferred in January 2024 by Advance HE, for its work improving gender equality.  As part of QUB, AMIC is committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and developing a working environment where everyone can realise their full potential and feel respected and valued.   

We are committed to the Catapult Network Inclusivity in Innovation Charter.