MISTRAL Online Symposium
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Social acceptance and the energy transition
13th and 14th May 2020
MISTRAL (Multi-sectoral approaches to Innovative Skills Training for Renewable energy and sociAL acceptance), an EU-funded Innovative Training Network (https://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/MISTRAL/) organised a free online symposium to discuss recent research on social acceptance perspectives energy transition, with an emphasis on wind energy. Held over two half-days, a range of world-leading experts and early stage researchers (including MISTRAL ESRs) explored community attitudes to energy projects, and the wider governance and institutional arrangements that frame them.
Download the symposium abstracts here
For more information, please contact the individual presenters (contact information is provided in the YouTube description)
Because the slides are visible in the videos, and some unpublished information is discussed, we will not be distributing the slides separately
Session 1: Community Perspectives (1)
Place Meaning and Consistency with Offshore Wind: An Island and Coastal Tale
Aaron Russell
University of Delaware
Winds of Change: Examining Longitudinal Attitude Changes Regarding an Offshore Wind Project
Samantha Bingaman
University of Delaware
Aaron Russell and Samantha Bingaman discussion
Investigating public acceptance of wind energy: evidence from cross-country surveys
Anna Ebers Broughel
Tetra Tech
Session 2: Community Perspectives (2)
What’s love got to do with it? Understanding Cognitive and Affective Responses to Wind Turbines to Advance Policy and Communication
Jeremy Firestone
University of Delaware
Keep it Local and Low-Key: Social acceptance of alpine solar power projects
Pascal Vuichard
University of St. Gallen
Offshore Wind and Community Benefits in Kitty Hawk, NC
Grant Tyler
University of Rhode Island
Session 2 discussion
Session 3: Roundtable discussion - International experience
Intersection participation policy and practices in wind energy in six European countries
Zoe Chateau, Jean-Pierre Roux, Patrick Devine-Wright
University of Exeter
Martijn ten Klooster, Mariëlle de Sain
Pondera Consultants
Kristian Borch
Aalborg University
Jan Hildebrand
Institute for Future Energy and Material Flow Systems (IZES gGmbH)
Session 4: Innovations in policy, technology, and governance of renewable energy
Understanding variable deployment of offshore wind power in Europe: How does policy innovation occur?
Jean-Pierre Roux
University of Exeter
Size Matters: The Cultural Political Economy of Research and Innovation of Wind Energy
Robert Wade, Alex Miller
Queen’s University Belfast
Cristian Pons-seres de Brauwer, Tom Cronin, Julia Kirch Kirkegaard
Technical University of Denmark
Scale, history and justice in community wind energy: An empirical review
Jamie Baxter, Romayne Smith Fullerton
University of Western Ontario
Chad Walker, Patrick Devine-Wright
University of Exeter
Geraint Ellis
Queen’s University Belfast
Michelle Adams
Dalhousie University
This presentation describes work that was recently published in Energy Research & Social Science
Volume 68, October 2020, 101532
Session 4 discussion
Session 5: Theoretical Perspectives
Planning and the management of social acceptance of wind energy; Using a governmentality approach to compare Ireland and Denmark
Senni Määttä, Geraint Ellis
Queen’s University Belfast
David Rudolph
Danish Technical University
Green growth or energy descent? Assessing collaborative approaches to urban energy transitions
Silver Sillak
Danish Technical University
This video is not available. For more information about this presentation, please contact Silver directly
Unpacking the visual-spatial impacts of energy infrastructures: A critical outlook at its dimensions and associated socio-psychological processes
Susana Batel
University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
Patrick Devine-Wright
University of Exeter