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GroundsWell Blog

Youth Spark & Dear Green Place: A Partnership for Greener, Healthier Spaces

In Edinburgh, GroundsWell have recently partnered with the Citadel Youth Centre for a new project, Dear Green Place. In this blog, youth worker Ryan McKay who is leading the project discusses how the partnership will bring benefits to the community.

Two people using Our Outdoors on their phone in a local park for the Dear Green Place project
Community Engagement Lead Sammy using Our Outdoors with young people in local parks as part of the Dear Green Place project.

For over a year, Youth Spark, our Young Start (National Lottery Funded), youth-led participation project, has empowered young people at the Citadel Youth Centre to lead community change. We’re now excited to partner with GroundsWell for a new project Dear Green Place, to focus on improving Leith’s parks and green spaces. This collaboration, supported by the IMPETUS Accelerator Programme, invites young people aged 14-18 to explore how local spaces can support mental health and well-being.

A Creative Approach to Green Space Transformation

In this project, we’re combining outdoor exploration and artistic expression to give young people a platform for their ideas. Using Our Outdoors, a citizen science initiative, young people will document how Leith’s green spaces impact their lives. These reflections, captured through photography and other creative means, will be transformed into collaborative artworks, co-produced with the guidance of a professional artist.

This creative process allows our young people to go beyond traditional consultation methods, offering them the chance to deeply engage with their environment while contributing to the future of Leith’s parks.

Making Youth Voices Heard

At the heart of this project is the belief that young people’s voices matter. By the end of the workshops, our young people will showcase their creative work at a community exhibition in Leith. Local decision-makers, including representatives from the council will hopefully attend, providing a direct opportunity for our young people to influence ongoing park redevelopments.

The Power of Collaboration

Youth Spark and Dear Green Place together highlight the power of collaboration. Groundswell’s expertise in green space interventions complements Youth Spark’s mission to amplify youth participation, ensuring that young people lead the conversation on how their community’s outdoor spaces evolve.

This partnership is a testament to the value of youth voices in creating spaces that are not only beautiful but also supportive of well-being. By working together, we’re ensuring that the parks of Leith reflect the needs of everyone who uses them.

If you’d like to get involved or learn more about Youth Spark, get in touch:

Together, we can build a brighter, greener future for Leith’s community.

Photo: Ryan McKay, Youth Worker at the Citadel
Ryan McKay, Youth Worker at the Citadel


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